Meet Our Chief

Conner Schiro was elected Chief of the Nokesville Volunteer Fire Department and started his tenure on January 1st, 2023. Chief Schiro has been a part of the Fire Department since 2010 and has worked his way up the ranks starting from just being a Firefighter. Now we’ve had a chance to sit down with him despite his busy schedule and got to ask a couple of questions.

Favorite Firehouse Memories?

  • Firehouse pranks at the old Fire Station 5
  • Staffing at Fire Station 25 for the January 2016 Snowstorm (1–3 day snowfall 29.3”)

Favorite Firehouse Tradition?

  • The Unit Officer buys Slurpee’s for the crew after working fires

Who’s Your Hero?

  • My Brother. He’s always up to date on the latest and greatest and enlightens me with current events. There’s never a shortage of laughs when we talk, nor any lack of adventure that he insists I join him in, and that helps me separate and unwind after a long day or week. Even without any experience in Fire or EMS, he always takes an interest in what I’m doing at the firehouses. He always has questions, and sometimes even has answers or solutions that were simply overlooked.

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