Nokesville Announced as 2024 Toys for Tots Winner

Nokesville Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department wants to thank our Gainesville, Bristow, and Nokesville communities for donating 4,771 toys to the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Toys for Tots organization. For the sixth year in a row and since the campaign began in 2019, Nokesville Station 25 collected the most toys in 2024 among all Prince William County (PWC) Fire & Rescue Stations.

All PWC Fire Stations collected a total of 15,236 toys that were provided to underserved families in PWC and surrounding regions allowing these families to experience the joy and true spirit of the Christmas Holiday Season.

We would also like to thank PWC Department of Fire & Rescue (DFR) Logistics, DFR Fleet, and PWC EM for transport vehicle support, and our Santa Sleigh Drivers who volunteered their own personal time who drove all around the county to the various Toys for Tots drop-off/collection sites to make sure that every single toy was picked up and delivered. A special thank you to two of our Nokesville Volunteer Members, Denise Doran, and Tom Coyle, for being part of Santa’s Sleigh Drivers, and Christopher Brothers from PWCFRS for leading this campaign.

Santa’s Sleigh Team
Division Chief Frank Orefice, PWCFRS
Lieutenant Bob Kieb, PWCFRS
Technician II Steven Menard, PWCFRS
Technician II Rashad Myers, PWCFRS
Denise Doran, Nokesville VFD
Tom Coyle, Nokesville VFD
Christopher Brothers, PWCFRS Pub Ed

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